Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I always feel like Autumn is a time for reflecting, and gearing up for change. From the changes in the weather and leaves outside to the changes in routine as the days get shorter...And what changes there have been lately!  In my personal life, I and my family have moved to a new town and into our first home.  It's a quirky house, with a few things here and there to repair, but essentially sound and above all perfect for my family. I have a much better studio now and it's easy to lock up so no little curious children can go in there and eat something they shouldn't, haha.  My little girl is walking now, which is an adventure all on it's own, lets just say I spend most of her waking hrs chasing her from one place to another... :-).  It's quite the ride!  I have been regaining my health and am working on the goal of being able to hike to Havasu Falls this spring with my husband.  It's about 20 miles round trip!

In MESTEE news, I am creating more and more products that have a luxurious spa feel, I love them, and hopefully everyone else does too! My new favorite is my Rose Otto facial mask, an all natural blend of rose, oatmeal and pink clay.  It's a bit on the decadent side and my face is adoring it.

I am also gearing up to open a new shop, called Autumn Rose Botanicals.  It is a work in progress and a labor of love but I will be focusing on one of my biggest passions for the shop, all things botanical, teas, creams, a few soaps, plant inspired ephemera, you name it, it will probably all be there...in time.  These things take lots of time and planning, and I will be utilizing all I have learned through creating MESTEE.  And don't worry, MESTEE isn't going anywhere!  In the future, MESTEE will be changing it's focus slightly too, and as always, I am constantly searching for increasingly natural ways to create bath beauty, but that's for another blog!
Happy Changing!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice

Ahhhh, summer is here.  I love summer for a few reasons: fresh Farmer's Market fruits and veggies, beach vacations, flowers in bloom and enjoying sunny skies while cooling my toes in a river surrounded by green.  However, I'm not a huge fan of being hot, one of the major caveats to enjoying other summer things.  Oh well.  That's what swimming and everything minty is for.  So...can you hear the bees buzzing, I can, they are so busy around here, I bet there is a hive in my neighborhood.

My daughter and I are going to celebrate the solstice in the park today, complete with sunblock for her very fair little self.  After that, I am going to make some summer inspired soap with some yummy lime essential oil. What are you going to do this beautiful day?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Want to be a Tester?

    I'm looking for three people who would like to be MESTEE product testers for 6 months.  If you have the time and drive, please send me an email with your email to lirpal@yahoo.com (***) and I will send you an entry form.  Entry period runs from JUNE 1st, to June 14th.  All entrants are welcome from anywhere.  I will pick three entrants every 6 months to be testers based on this criteria:

honest and thoughtful answers on my entry form and
whether or not you have a little free time...that's it! 

If I like what you have to say but I didn't pick you, don't despair because you may be lined up for the next 6 months.

      In exchange for the time you spend reviewing products, you get to keep all products you test and you will be eligible for exclusive discounts and other MESTEE perks.   YAY!
Remember, this offer is open to anyone, everywhere, so don't be shy!


I will send you samples at the beginning of the month and by the end of the month I  will need your input or you will be disqualified from receiving further samples.

I need honesty, if you love it, tell me why, If you don't I'd love to hear why..think it's great but needs a little something?  Tell me why. That's it for rules, I don't think it gets much more simple than that!

Thanks for your efforts in advance!

(***) Please note that if you are not picked you will not receive any spam or other emails of any kind unless you specify that you would like to receive my newsletter (coming soon).  I will not distribute your name or any information pertaining to you to anyone else, ever.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

End of May and many great deals to choose from

So remember way back when I started this blog and I said I'd post deals from time to time?  Yeah, I know, what a slacker!  I have come up with several options for you to get your MESTEE on and dance a little happy jig too! For this one, everyone is eligible!

All you have to do is pick your favorite coupon or deal and use it at check out.  I know, crazy huh?

Allright, so this is the first one: 15% off any purchase in my store. (use coupon code: Brenda at checkout)**

And the next one: buy $20.00 in items and get a free soap of your choice! (Just specify what type you'd like unless you'd rather it be a surprise)**

And this one: Free shipping when you buy $30.00 or more. (Automatically refunded after check out to keep cheaters at bay, or you can convo me through Etsy with an order and I will set up a listing just for you so you don't have to pay shipping even for a minute.)**

For a good cause: Every time you or your friends buy my $20.00 mix and match soap deal,  five dollars will automatically get donated to the Flagstaff Humane Society.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/73080060/mix-match-and-save-on-soap **

Like I stated above, everyone is eligible, so tell your friends!

**All offers are good now and through May 31st, 2011 or until I run out of supplies. Only one offer per order please!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Self congratulations

So, I am sitting here with my daughter babbling and happily drooling all over herself in my lap and it is glorious for all kinds of reasons.  But the one I want to share has to do with her face,  I am very happy to report that after trying commercial preparations that didn't work, her horrible teething rash has cleared up with a little help from my frankincense and myrrh balm and my unscented calendula soap.  I was hesitant about using essential oils on her so I only used a tiny amount of the balm (like a fingernail sliver's worth on each cheek) and it worked.  After one day most of the redness was gone, after three days, the entire rash has disappeared. I think I'm the happiest of the two of us because her main goal right now is to GET THE KITTY and is pretty oblivious to her face, haha. But still, I congratulate myself.

In other news, I got a shipment of oils and lye and am ready to create some cold process soap madness this weekend and I will be focusing on all natural soap this time around.  I think that this is the route I want my business to follow, more and more natural products and less synthetic fragrances.  I love the fragrances too, but they don't have the healing benefits mother nature provides, as my daughter's face so eloquently testifies to.  I'm working on an all natural perfume too, which is exciting and I'll admit it, very difficult to make something really original.  but it will happen, oh yes, it will.

I'm also having a little sale going on at my Etsy shop, stop in and check it out! www.mestee.etsy.com

 Have a good day everyone! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Copy me, Copy You, Coping with Copying

I just had to write this after seeing some of my favorite Etsy sellers having their market niche totally invaded by copycats.  I resent copiers, they make everyone look bad and it is sooo unnecessary.  Even if you make similar products, in my case, bath and body, and you use similar ingredients, it is still an absolute shame that certain people feel the need to copy, rather than come up with their own ideas.  Innovation is the key!  Have a product, say.. soap?  Well, make it yours with additives, scent combos, designs, ect..but don't copy.  Soap is essentially a salt which we use regularly to clean things with.  But it is also (in my opinion, unless it's store bought mass produced and devoid of personality) functional art.  Who doesn't want to to have a little beauty in their lives? Who doesn't have the potential to skew their soap or other medium in a new direction simply because they have a different take on the world than anyone else?  Use those strengths and build on them, rather than imitate shamelessly and call it yours.  Copiers not only cheat everyone else, they cheat themselves.  Phew.  Ok, I'm done.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Recipes anyone?

Here is a very simple do at home facial for anyone and everyone:

1tbsp baking soda
1tbsp plain yoghurt
3 drops of essential oil of rose or geranium (optional)

mix together and then massage gently onto your face for a few minutes.  Follow with a good facial soap and toner.  Your skin will be glowing in no time!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Natural Means to Me

Dear Reader:
I thought I'd let everyone know who may question what exactly the term natural product means to me.  Natural means no synthetic chemicals, dyes, preservatives or additives, no pthlates, no anything except what has been derived from nature with as little processing as possible.  For example, it is impossible to have olive oil without pressing the olives, this is a form of processing but it does not alter the chemical structure of the oil in the olive.

Natural does not mean organic, however.

I do use organically derived and/or locally sourced ingredients whenever I can but I don't use the claim organic on anything currently because to me organic means EVERYTHING in a product needs to be organic, not just 99%.

Please note: many products of mine will be all natural except for one ingredient: the fragrance.  This is because some fragrances are not really obtainable from nature or their essential oil counterparts are on the endangered species list or they are simply rare and hard to get in truly pure form.  All of my fragrances are pthlate free and I like it that way!

So, in short, to me all natural means no unnatural goobleguke.  Yay!  They are my absolute favorite thing to make as well, so be on the lookout for many more items being listed as all natural.

Have questions?  Comment here and I will compile a list for a blog in the next few weeks with as many answers as possible.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Dear Reader:
It's time for introductions so here goes: My name is April and I own my own business, MESTEE.  It's an indie company specializing in bath and body products that have scents I love and scents I have created that no one else has because they are not in my head, lol.  I am currently expanding my horizons to include small gifts and home decor so keep watching out for new shop announcements.  I love handmade things, small things, beautiful things, weird things; stuff that makes me feel like a poem has taken a form beyond the written word.

I also have an obsession with old enamel and granite ware so if you find something or are selling something of that nature feel free to let me know about it!

This is the year of firsts for me, my first child and first priority (a wonderful little girl who fills up my days beautifully, she totally makes life more beautiful than anything else possibly could), my first winter back in AZ, my first poetry and art contests... (later, haha), my first real blog post and my first attempt to create something entirely new to the bath and body world.  So, hello world, MESTEE is still here and we are totally rockin' with a new image this year, new products and even more to come. 

I'm currently getting ready to post my new charcoal soap on Etsy,  www.mestee.etsy.com and some other goodies, including jewelry, the latter definitely a new first for this year for MESTEE!  In honor of firsts, I will be randomly selecting winners of goodies from my shop or even samples of goodies to come...all you have to do is follow my blog and facebook and get your friends to buy stuff. ;-) One of the giveaways in my firsts will be for my hundredth customer on Etsy, and the rest are going to be given at certain milestones I hit with my blog and Facebook. That's all the hints you get for now so come play!
