Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I always feel like Autumn is a time for reflecting, and gearing up for change. From the changes in the weather and leaves outside to the changes in routine as the days get shorter...And what changes there have been lately!  In my personal life, I and my family have moved to a new town and into our first home.  It's a quirky house, with a few things here and there to repair, but essentially sound and above all perfect for my family. I have a much better studio now and it's easy to lock up so no little curious children can go in there and eat something they shouldn't, haha.  My little girl is walking now, which is an adventure all on it's own, lets just say I spend most of her waking hrs chasing her from one place to another... :-).  It's quite the ride!  I have been regaining my health and am working on the goal of being able to hike to Havasu Falls this spring with my husband.  It's about 20 miles round trip!

In MESTEE news, I am creating more and more products that have a luxurious spa feel, I love them, and hopefully everyone else does too! My new favorite is my Rose Otto facial mask, an all natural blend of rose, oatmeal and pink clay.  It's a bit on the decadent side and my face is adoring it.

I am also gearing up to open a new shop, called Autumn Rose Botanicals.  It is a work in progress and a labor of love but I will be focusing on one of my biggest passions for the shop, all things botanical, teas, creams, a few soaps, plant inspired ephemera, you name it, it will probably all be there...in time.  These things take lots of time and planning, and I will be utilizing all I have learned through creating MESTEE.  And don't worry, MESTEE isn't going anywhere!  In the future, MESTEE will be changing it's focus slightly too, and as always, I am constantly searching for increasingly natural ways to create bath beauty, but that's for another blog!
Happy Changing!

1 comment:

  1. No weirdos on my page please. Unless you are the good kind of weirdo.
